Category: panadería brooklyn

Panadería Brooklyn: Meyer Lemon Curd Rugelach

Everywhere my grandmother lived, she planted a Meyer lemon tree in her backyard.

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Shanah Tovah from Boyle Heights: Apples and Honey Sopapillas at Panadería Brooklyn

Shanah tovah from Panadería Brooklyn! My little Mexican-Jewish bakery, devoted to celebrating the cultures of East LA through (mostly) Mexican-Jewish fusion food, is back with something special for Rosh Hashanah: apples and honey sopapillas.

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Introducing Panadería Brooklyn: Mexican Black-and-White Cookies

“Dozens of kosher restaurants, bakeries and cafes with Yiddish and Hebrew signs lined Brooklyn Avenue . . . The aroma of burritos and challah bread mingled outside greengrocers and bathhouses, union halls and movie houses. Mariachi and klezmer tunes drifted from apartment windows. Socialists and Zionists argued on street corners in Yiddish and Spanish.”—Reed Johnson, […]

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