Author: Emily

Jennifer Abadi’s Syrian-Style Apricot Haroset

If you haven’t noticed, I’m pretty excited to be cooking my way through Jennifer Abadi’s Too Good to Passover. This haroset from the book highlights an unusual fruit: apricots!

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ethiopian soft matzah

Ethiopian Soft Matzah, Just Like They Ate at the First Passover

What if matzah didn’t have to taste like charred cardboard? This Ethiopian soft matzah proves that matzah can, in fact, be delicious.

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Iraqi Almond Macaroons with Rosewater and Cardamom for Passover

These delicious Iraqi Passover almond macaroons come from Jennifer Abadi’s awesome new cookbook, Too Good to Passover. More than a cookbook, this is an absolute treasure trove of Passover recipes, traditions, and memories from the Sephardic world and beyond, including from some less-discussed Jewish food traditions like Ethiopian and Yemenite.

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Moroccan Mashed Potato Casserole for Passover (Batata bil Firan)

Today I have a great Moroccan Passover mashed potato casserole recipe to share with you. It’s basically a mashed potato kugel with Moroccan flavoring (read: it’s quite a bit more vibrant than your traditional Ashkenazi potato preparation).

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A Taste of Spring for Passover: Italian Asparagus Soup with Saffron

I love serving asparagus at Passover. It’s one of my favorite vegetables, and since I (more or less) only eat it seasonally, Passover tends to fall around the beginning of the season. My seders usually feature roasted asparagus spears, but I’m always on the lookout for new and different ways to serve this delectable harbinger […]

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Bremer Kürbisbrot (Roasted Squash Bread)

So this is a little bit of a cheat, in that there’s really nothing Jewish about it. But I thought this delicious roasted squash bread was too delicious not to share here. Plus, baking bread is also a great way to use up flour before Passover, if that’s something you do.

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Modern Jewish Baker: Challah Hacks from Shannon Sarna

One of my favorite things about living in NYC is the abundance of cool Jewish foodie events going on just about any given month. A few weeks ago, for example, I got to see Jewish baking rockstar Shannon Sarna of the Nosher give a talk about her new cookbook, Modern Jewish Baker, and demo some […]

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Cabbage Varnishkes

This recipe was born of necessity, but it turned out to be a happy accident. I was all ready to whip up a batch of that favorite shtetl classic, kasha varnishkes (toasted buckwheat groats with noodles), topped with roasted vegetables. I was especially psyched to have one of my favorite roasting vegetables, cauliflower, on hand—or […]

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An Easy Pareve Purim Main: Caveos di Aman

You may be familiar with traditional Purim goodies purporting to resemble the villainous Haman’s hat, pockets, and ears, and even depictions of his whole body in gingerbread, but how about his hair? Enter caveos di Aman.

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Boyotaschen: The Ashkefardi Purim Mashup You Didn’t Know You Were Missing

It seems like savory hamantaschen are all the rage this year, and I’m throwing my hat into the ring with a truly delightful Ashkenazi-Sephardi mashup: the boyotaschen.

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