Month: February 2018

An Easy Pareve Purim Main: Caveos di Aman
February 27, 2018
You may be familiar with traditional Purim goodies purporting to resemble the villainous Haman’s hat, pockets, and ears, and even depictions of his whole body in gingerbread, but how about his hair? Enter caveos di Aman.

Boyotaschen: The Ashkefardi Purim Mashup You Didn’t Know You Were Missing
February 26, 2018
It seems like savory hamantaschen are all the rage this year, and I’m throwing my hat into the ring with a truly delightful Ashkenazi-Sephardi mashup: the boyotaschen.

Purim 2018 NYC Bakery Hamantaschen Roundup
February 24, 2018
Welcome to my extremely unscientific and incomplete ramble through New York City’s vast and varied hamantaschen offerings. I hit up a few spots in Manhattan, because I live here, and a few more in Brooklyn (Midwood only this year—I had grand ambitions of venturing further afield, but Brooklyn is far and getting around it is […]

Two Purim Breads: Keylitsh and Boyoja Ungola di Purim
February 19, 2018
As a certified carb addict, I’ll never say no to an opportunity to bake some bread. Bread is probably not the first food you think of in association with Purim (or the second, or third), but it turns out there are a wealth of Purim bread-baking traditions in Jewish cultures worldwide.

A Purim Classic: Sugar Cookie Hamantaschen
February 12, 2018
For years, I’ve been on the hunt for the perfect hamantaschen recipe. I like my hamantaschen to have the texture of one of those slightly soft, slightly crumbly frosted grocery store sugar cookies I remember eating as a kid, and while I’ve occasionally found bakeries whose hamantaschen matches my vision of the perfect sugar cookie […]

A Nourishing Purim Breakfast: Poppy and Prune Oatmeal
February 5, 2018
What do you eat for breakfast on Purim? Do you dig into the hamantaschen early? Or do you go for something super healthy to balance out all the sugar that you’ll likely consume later in the day? Today I have a recipe that offers the perfect balance: a delicious, nourishing Purim breakfast oatmeal, inspired by […]